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About The Academy

Yes We Can Tree






The Academy's long term intent is to help individuals meet their educational needs in providing educational technology tools for all that choose to take advantage of this free benefit. The tabs at the right have many online free software, websites, webinars, professional development and training for certifications/certificates. The Academy is a certified Certiport testing center and we can test and certify individuals in Worldwide acknowledged certification areas including Microsoft, IC3 (Internet and Core Computing), CompTia, Adobe and others as needed. If you have  interest in a specific educational, learning, training area to help meet your needs for college or career, and are not sure where to start, feel free to contact me, Jennifer Rogers at We are here to help!


QZAB Description

The Ore City Independent School District Board of Education has designated all of our schools as  Zone Academies as prescribed by the Quality Zone Academy Bond (QZAB). All schools within the District are designated “Zone Academies” as they are well in excess of the 35% Free and/or Reduced lunch requirements. Our Zone Academy Goal  is to identify major areas of needed rehabilitation and bring the facilities to an acceptable level to better provide for our students beginning with the energy efficiency projects and, if funds allow, other building rehabilitation and repair projects throughout.


Education Plan

  OCISD Seal

The Ore City ISD Zone Academies, will emphasize academic growth for all their students, we are also cognizant of the need to provide the skills necessary to become citizens of excellence inside and outside the classroom with the use of technology. This Education Plan is created to ensure technology literacy at the earliest levels as well as continuing education for our teachers and cutting edge learning strategies.


The Zone Academy Goals

Goal 1. Better Prepare Students

The overall goal of our QZAB program will be to better prepare our students for their next step up. The plan will use the technology training gifts of our partner, along with their experience, to help shape a curriculum that is on target with what is needed to succeed academically and, ultimately, in the workforce. Our partner has made an ongoing commitment to team with our school to provide the needed real world expertise to better enhance the student’s educational foundation.

Goal 2. Increase Graduation Rates

Our school is pleased with the current level of graduation from our schools. Our Zone Academy’s goal is to give our students life skills that they will never stop using.

Goal 3. Enhance Teacher Training

Our students can succeed, excel, and develop a love of learning, if their teachers are encouraged to exceed, excel, and participate in continuing their education. The example provided by motivated teachers in our Zone Academy will stimulate the motivation of our students.

Summary of our Zone Academy’s Plan

Our Zone Academy is intended not to replace, but to enhance our already comprehensive curriculum and local education plan.

It is also to provide for an environment that is productive and stimulating to students as well as teachers, administrators and the community as a whole.

Ore City High School
100 Rebel Rd.
Ore City, TX 75683
Phone: 903-968-3300 ext. 1221
Fax: +19037086495
Ore City Middle School
100 Rebel Rd.
Ore City, TX 75683
Phone: 903-968-3300 ext. 2252
Fax: +19037086486
Ore City Elementary School
1000 US Hwy 259 S.
Ore City, TX 75683
Phone: 903-968-3300 ext. 1237
Fax: +19037086201
Ore City Special Education Department
100 Rebel Rd.
Ore City, TX 75683
Phone: 903-968-3300 ext. 1207
Fax: +19037086499

PIA Requests from this governmental body can be made by:

mail: Ore City ISD, Attn: Rachel Evers, 100 Rebel Rd., Ore City, TX 75683
email: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
efax: +1 903-708-6485

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