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Response to Intervention

What's Required

Referral of students for a full and individual initial evaluation for possible special education services shall be a part of the district's overall general education referral or screening system. Prior to referral, students experiencing difficulty in the general classroom should be considered for all support services available to all students, such as tutorial; remedial; compensatory; response to scientific, research-based intervention; and other academic or behavior support services. If the student continues to experience difficulty in the general classroom after the provision of interventions, district personnel must refer the student for a full and individual initial evaluation (19 TAC 89.1011). This referral for a full and individual initial evaluation may be initiated by school personnel, the student's parents or legal guardian, or another person involved in the education or care of the student.

What We Do

Response to Intervention (RTI) is a multi-tiered system of support designed to provide every student with high quality instruction. The emphasis of the RTI process is on prevention and early identification of students in need of academic and/or behavioral support. Academic and behavioral interventions are provided at increasing levels of intensity in accordance with each student's individual needs. Collaborative, interdisciplinary teams made up of administrators and teachers work together to problem solve and match students to the appropriate instructional and/or behavioral interventions. These teams monitor student progress and frequently review student data to evaluate each student's response to the interventions provided.

Ore City ISD's RTI process is composed of three instructional tiers. Tier I is experienced by all students in the general education classroom and is characterized by differentiated core instruction and school-wide behavior management practices. If a student needs academic or behavioral support beyond what is typically provided at Tier I, the student will be referred to the RTI Collaborative Team for placement in Tier II interventions. At RTI Tier II, students receive targeted instructional or behavioral support designed to meet their unique needs and facilitate their success in the general education classroom. Students who do not respond to Tier II interventions may be referred to RTI Tier III where they will experience more intensive interventions.

Ore City High School
100 Rebel Rd.
Ore City, TX 75683
Phone: 903-968-3300 ext. 1221
Fax: +19037086495
Ore City Middle School
100 Rebel Rd.
Ore City, TX 75683
Phone: 903-968-3300 ext. 2252
Fax: +19037086486
Ore City Elementary School
1000 US Hwy 259 S.
Ore City, TX 75683
Phone: 903-968-3300 ext. 1237
Fax: +19037086201
Ore City Special Education Department
100 Rebel Rd.
Ore City, TX 75683
Phone: 903-968-3300 ext. 1207
Fax: +19037086499

PIA Requests from this governmental body can be made by:

mail: Ore City ISD, Attn: Rachel Evers, 100 Rebel Rd., Ore City, TX 75683
email: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
efax: +1 903-708-6485

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