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Mainstream/In-Class Support Services

What's Required

Each school district shall provide services to students with disabilities in order to meet the needs of those students in accordance with 34 CFR § 300.26.  Instructional arrangements/settings shall be based on the individual needs and IEPs of eligible receiving special education services.

What We Do

Mainstream/In-Class Support Services

Special education services are frequently provided through in-class support services in the general education classroom. This allows Ore City ISD to provide specially designed instruction to students with disabilities that (a) addresses the unique needs of the student that result from his/her disability and (b) ensure the student's access to the general curriculum.

Monitoring student progress in and of itself does not constitute a special education service. A student with a disability served solely in the general education classroom (mainstream) must have:

  • An IEP specifying the special education and related services that enable the student to access the general curriculum and to make progress toward his/her individual goals and objectives; and
  • Qualified special education personnel involved in the implementation of the student's IEP through the provision of direct, indirect and/or support services (a) to the student in the general education classroom and/or (b) in collaboration with the student's general education teacher. 
Ore City High School
100 Rebel Rd.
Ore City, TX 75683
Phone: 903-968-3300 ext. 1221
Fax: +19037086495
Ore City Middle School
100 Rebel Rd.
Ore City, TX 75683
Phone: 903-968-3300 ext. 2252
Fax: +19037086486
Ore City Elementary School
1000 US Hwy 259 S.
Ore City, TX 75683
Phone: 903-968-3300 ext. 1237
Fax: +19037086201
Ore City Special Education Department
100 Rebel Rd.
Ore City, TX 75683
Phone: 903-968-3300 ext. 1207
Fax: +19037086499

PIA Requests from this governmental body can be made by:

mail: Ore City ISD, Attn: Rachel Evers, 100 Rebel Rd., Ore City, TX 75683
email: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
efax: +1 903-708-6485

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